Freedom. Truth. Marriage.

My thoughts on these things. Feel free to leave feedback.

Archive for the month “January, 2015”

Now it’s 2015….

…and I haven’t posted anything on here since October. So.. What next?

I hope you got something out of the Stuff We Say series. I liked being able to go through those sayings, learn the root, and then figure out the truth of them.  I learned a lot myself. What was intended to be a 3-5 part post, ended up being much more. Thank you to those friends who suggested more sayings to look at.

  • Some time back I mentioned putting on here what I believe – sort of a statement of faith. Some of you know me personally, buy may not know where I stand or how I got to that point.  Also, this will give me a chance to dig deep and examine what I believe even further, just like I mentioned here.
  • During this new year I’ve decided to read some books pertaining to freedom, truth, & marriage. I’m also going to be attending various conferences throughout the year. I’ll post some snippets of stuff to share with you, if not here then on our Facebook page.

I think between these 2 areas we’ll have enough to talk about. As always, if you have anything you’d like to see written about, let me know.

Praying that the absolute truth of the Bible empowers you to walk in the freedom of who you really are in 2015.



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Freedom... Truth... Marriage...